That Darn Cat!

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From a PuterGeek.Com News subscriber comes this story, the moral of which is to never upset your pets :-)

While sitting at my computer one lonely afternoon, and deciding to answer some requests for doll patterns, I got everything lined up and am scanning along when thump I hear the dreaded black beast (otherwise known as HARLEY.)  Feared by man and beast in this house!

Harley is a huge, 25 lb. mass of fur and determination. He's determined to ruin any experience on the computer.

You know him, the one that walks in sits in front of the computer screen when you are trying to answer your email or surf the net.  Ah yes, the one that types out messages while you are answering your emails.  The black beast from hell that whines and you MUST have a bag of Pounce (treats) in every room to keep him appeased, you know, that one!  He lays in wait to attack ankles and keyboards unless fed on demand.

Well this time it went too far.  When he couldn't have his treat when HE wanted them, he threw his body across the scanner as it was scanning and, having sprawled ever so cutely, (HA!) blocking me from even attempting to even open the lid to stop that horrible grinding and clicking of gears, he killed it.

Dead, nothing but the motor making a noise I had NEVER heard before and unable to stop it.  I finally got him off but alas, too late.

I turned the scanner off, then on, click, click, grind, whir, sounds scanners just do not make, and a 3 week old scanner to boot.

My pride and joy, (the scanner, NOT the cat - LOL) gone, just singing vile sounds to me.

Quickly, I called my companion at work, and ...ahem...said "That damn cat of yours did something to the scanner."

Of course it was my fault, I MUST have been teasing him HA!

Once he came home from work and searching to no success, he was unable to find the receipt.  I convinced him that the store has a copy in their computer.  He arrived home with a BRAND NEW scanner yippee yahoo.

Harley lives another day to stalk the other cat and dogs in the house.  But as usual, as with a bad child, he is still the king here!!!

Darlene Heichelbech
Darby, PA

Gee, I wonder if they got the scanner at Best Buy. - Peter

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Last Revised: 10/20/2000